What do Dinosaurs, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber and Embedly have in common?

We were all part of the 2014 European Music Awards! If you tuned in, you probably saw some cool interactive features that let you be part of the show instead of simply viewing it.


In response to our last post TwitPic has made a few changes which accommodate Embedly. You can now embed TwitPic images through Embedly once again! Here is proof.

Both Noah and Steve contacted us and released fixes earlier than planned which allowed them to whitelist Embedly. It turned…

New Coat of Paint

The Embedly API site got a new coat of paint today

We have made it much easier for first time users to understand what the API is and point them to libraries that already exist. The `Try it` is much more prominent as well. The services…

Hacks/Hackers talk: Designing Cards for Everyone

Embedly will be presenting on the data and design behind Cards at tomorrow’s Hacks/Hackers held at the Boston Globe.

I’ll describe the API and its applications in journalism, the process of building Cards, and finally…

Embedly is a Gem

The embedly rubygem makes it easy to use both api.embed.ly and pro.embed.ly from your Ruby applications. With just a few lines of code, embedding is made easy.

We also wanted to do some dogfooding of the gem, to serve as an example app for future users. We’ve created…

Embedly Notes
Embedly Notes
Thoughts, Data, and Notes from the Embedly Team
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